
This website was started up in 2012 after user TimEOBrien on the CCSLC asked for people to start up uni trackers for their favorite teams, similar to his Duck Tracker.  Some of these, like this website and the Kentucky uni tracker are still going strong.  Many others have fizzled out, however.  In 2013, I started the Ole Miss uni tracker and the Southern Miss uni tracker, both of which will remain active in 2015.  I also run the Mississippi State Baseball uniform tracker and the Mississippi High School Football Helmets page.


The blog currently contains 6 main sub-pages (in addition to this page and the main blog): Year-By-Year Tracker, MSU Uniform History to 1986, Helmets of the Adidas Era, Baseball, MSU Logos, and Concepts. Here is a breakdown of what each one of those is:

Year-By-Year Tracker- Shows what uniform Mississippi State has worn in every game dating back to 1998, and includes partial seasons going back even further.

MSU Uniform History- Documents the uniforms worn by Mississippi State back to 1986.

Helmets of the Adidas Era- Breaks down the differences between the 14 different helmet designs worn by Mississippi State since 2009.

Baseball- Link to the Mississippi State Baseball uniform tracker

MSU Logos- 1600px x 900px resolution images of many Mississippi State logos, past and present.

Concepts- List of Mississippi State uniform concepts that I have completed over the years.


Here's a little bit of the history behind this website:

In 2012, it had a grass theme, with this as its header:
In 2013, the appearance was cleaned up a bit:
In 2014, more ribbon imagery was added to the header:
In 2015, the ribbon was replaced with DWS 100 stripes, the helmets were updated to reflect more recent changes, the primeknit pattern was added behind the header, and the font was changed to the custom "Starkville" font.

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